If you’re suffering from a stiff neck, sore back or aching feet then a full body
massage could be exactly what the doctor ordered aromatherapy Singapore. This powerful treatment isn’t just
about soothing the muscles and easing pain, it also has a profound impact on the
way we think, boosting our overall wellbeing. The following are just a few of the
many benefits of body massage:

How to do Body Massage? Full Guide to Body Massage
1. It Reduces Stress
One of the main reasons people get massages is because they alleviate stress and
tension. The treatment stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system naha aromatherapy certification online, causing
your heart rate and blood pressure to decrease and encouraging you to relax. It also
helps to lower your stress hormones and increase feel good neurotransmitters such
as serotonin, dopamine and oxytocin.
2. It Helps You Sleep Better
A study by the Journal of Psychophysiology found that those who received regular
massage had a deeper and more restful sleep. This is because the treatment causes
your body to produce a calming chemical called prolactin, which promotes
relaxation and sleepiness. It has been suggested that regular massage can also help
prevent insomnia.
3. It Improves Circulation
During your massage, the friction created by the therapist’s hand movements and
the pressure applied to your body will boost your circulation. This is great for your
muscles and organs, as it helps to bring more oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
In addition, the increased flow of blood can help to eliminate waste products and
toxins from your body, improving your immune function.

Can Full Body Massage Therapy Better Your Night's Sleep? - Calm Home Spa
4. It Boosts Flexibility
A full body massage can work wonders for your muscle flexibility. This is because
tense, tight and knotted muscles can restrict movement. Your therapist will use
massage techniques to help break down this tense and rigid tissue, improving your
flexibility and range of motion.
5. It Treats Skin Conditions
A number of studies have shown that massage can be used to relieve the symptoms
of a variety of skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema and acne. Researchers have
also discovered that it can help with conditions like fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue
6. It Boosts Immunity
As well as being relaxing, massage can have a positive effect on your immune
system.. Research has found that it can stimulate the flow of lymph, which is your
body’s natural defence against toxic invaders, as well as increasing white blood cell

7. It Aids Recovery
Getting regular massage can help you recover from exercise faster. This is because
it can help increase the percentage of regenerating muscle fibers, especially after
an intense workout. It can also help with injury rehabilitation and alleviate joint pain
such as arthritis.
Whether you’re an athlete looking to improve performance or someone who just
wants to relax and unwind, regular full body massages can be beneficial for
everyone. Just be sure to drink plenty of water after your treatment to help flush out
any toxins that have been released from your tissues.

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